In addition to holding medicine space, as an experienced Guide and Certified Coach, Marisa offers 1 on 1 bio-individualized support customized to meet your unique needs, intentions, goals and path.


This session is suggested anytime from 2 months to 1 week before you sit with the medicine and is broken down into two parts:

First part we focus on preparation best practices. We’ll get into diet, lifestyle and consumption and how to get the most out of your experience. We will also work within the construct of Vibrational Wellness, discuss energetics of the Frog and the multilevels in which it works so your prep can align and resonate with that. We will also address any questions that you may have regarding preparation best practices.

The second portion of the session we will focus on intentions and blocks/challenges, how best to work that into your medicine experience, and to create the best container for The Frog to align with your needs.

Jungle Medicine is extremely 'intelligent' and responds well to those who care for themselves and are willing to go deep.


90 minutes, with Marisa

Online Session: Medicine Integration + Clarity
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This session is suggested at least 3 days to 1 month after you sit with the medicine(s).

Since these types of medicines work on an emotional, mental, spiritual and physical level, post-ceremony offers you an opportunity to look deeper into these things to process them. The key is to listen and address what is needed - yet so many are not accustomed to this. 

Integration Sessions offer the opportunity to receive support as you integrate the intelligence of jungle medicine after your experience. We hold the space for whatever came up during the ritual for you or is coming up afterwards for you. If that is not applicable, we’ll work with the vibrational lift from the medicine and help you utilize that to bring some real goodness into your life, alchemically as fuel. Identifying and holding the space for you to integrate real life strategies on how best to proceed with clarity and ongoing transformation for your journey grounds this work.

We honor both the shadow and light within and create space for the full experience.

To engage in life experiences is a profound journey. To integrate life experiences is true Mastery.


90 minutes, with Marisa


This session can be done at anytime and is offered whether or not you are on a “Medicine Path”.

Deep dive sessions offer a supportive “container” for us to identify, navigate and help you work towards eradicating the top blocks and challenges in your life. As blocks and challenges are uncovered, together we will come up with actionable tactics and solutions to clear what is holding you back from a truly prosperous life experience.

In addition to working on blocks and challenges, we will address your top goals and intentions with a focus on how to proceed in a way that is in alignment for your highest and best good.

For Life Design Deep Dive sessions we will work within the context of Life Coaching + Design, Energetic Mastery, Vibrational Wellness, Subconscious Programming and Reprogamming and more, related to your life experience and your needs specifically.


90 minutes, with Marisa

Online Session: Deep Dive + Life Design
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Reap the rewards of your medicine experience and please use that as fuel so you can bring a better version of yourself to yourself, your families, community, the oppressed, Gaia and all living beings.