Kambo Medicine is one of the most powerful, holistic, diverse, and efficient earth 'medicines' on the planet - working on the being in its entirety: mind, body, spirit and emotions.

While bringing the human biofield back into balance, Kambo Medicine is a potent force for transformation.

Katukina Paje

Katukina Paje

Among the remaining tribes such as the Mastés and the Katukina that still work with Frog Medicine, Kambô is used as a Universal Healer due to it’s multi-use potential and it’s effect on the physical body, the mind, emotional state and the Spirit/energy of a person. Kambo is so effective and diverse and multidimensional in the way it works, as it addresses and balances all the different aspects of a being: mind, body and Spirit.

A highly revered and well-known use of Kambô is to lift 'Panema' – an indigenous term for negative or stuck energy. In the West, energy is not discussed and addressed in such a way so we often find sickness in the physical materialize, stemming from the energy-body. Translate this to culture outside of the rainforest, Kambô is highly praised to lift stagnant and negative energy while working in ways that are extremely potent for a fast paced, overstimulated, distracted, toxic and ungrounded society. 

Frog Medicine is also known as the ultimate cleanse and an overall amplification of well being, especially when approached in a certain way. As the energy and physical body clears, emotional clearings are reported. Kambô can also help users gain clarity, get unstuck, clear grief, resolve traumas and mitigate self-destructive behaviors. Many experience less anger and resistance to life as well.

Select tribe members will also use Kambô to increase energy (adrenal boost), groundedness, stamina, strength, vitality and sharp focus while hunting at night. Prized states of being in modern times as well.

Due to the bioactive peptides found in the secretion, in addition to an “energetic experience”, Kambô will also be a physical experience, a cleansing of the digestive and lymphatic systems, deeply penetrating the liver, while harmonizing the body's organs, endocrine system and immune system.

The experience is very short but it is not to be taken lightly, is not for everyone and is always to be treated with respect and reverence. Working with a trained facilitator, with many years experience in the Shamanic Arts, an in depth expertise of energetics, physical detoxing/cleansing and how the ‘emotional’ and ‘mental’ Self is directly related to the physical experience, takes things to a whole other level.

Many resonate with Kambô as it is a powerful transformative ally from the Amazon yet without the psychoactive (tripping/visual) attributes found in so many other Amazonian or Shamanic medicines. Kambo is not hallucinogenic and you will not trip. Any articles that state you will hallucinate are not accurate.



  • lifts stagnant, negative energy

  • removes obstacles and challenges

  • aids personal evolution and growth

  • increases motivation and drive

  • enhances focus and clarity

  • increases awareness and higher abilities

  • elevates vibration and states of well-being

  • aids transformation, shift and healing

  • opens the heart and breaks down blocks

  • releases trauma and blocked emotions

  • deepens connection to the True Self

  • puts pain and suffering into greater perspective

  • inspires connection and relating

  • increases divine alignment and synchronicities

  • attracts people and opportunities in higher resonance

  • encourages aligned (to the individual) lifestyle practices


Outside of the Amazon, Kambo has been the subject of decades of scientific research. Researchers believe that the secretion (Kambo) from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor Frog could open up a new world of treatments for:

  • Chronic pain and inflammation

  • Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety

  • Digestive disorders

  • Heavy metal poisoning and mold

  • Lyme’s Disease and co-infections

  • Herpes and Epstein Barr Virus, STDs

  • Corona Virus and the flu

  • Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Epstein Barr Virus

  • Addictions

  • Endocrine disorders

  • Select cancers

  • Thyroid dis-ease

  • Alzheimer’s, fertility, diabetes, arthritis and more

People with health issues such as; chronic pain, anxiety, depression, grief, addiction, burnout, and dis-ease affirm that Kambô is often times, “life-changing”.

Those in good health will use Kambo to level up in life, elevate their vibration, relations, love lives, careers, finances, and more.