Kambo Preparation
When people prepare for their Kambo work, they generally find the medicine easier to navigate, and it tends to go that much deeper. This preparation can clear away higher levels of toxin loads, emotional and energetic obstacles, less than favorable habits etc. leading to a smoother process, allowing the medicine to work more directly. Committing to proper preparation often results in a pre-ceremony period filled with opportunities for personal growth, deepening the experience.
Preparation includes both physical, mental and emotional aspects to optimize benefits and minimize risks.
Again, this is just for informational purposes and not to be used as a guideline for your journey since there are contraindications to consider, safety measures to consider and a lit of other essential things to make a note of.
Physical Preparation
Conscious Consumption:
Be mindful of the media, advertisements and interactions you have prior to your sit
Dietary Guidelines:
Avoid Certain Foods
Substance Avoidance:
Avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, and caffeine prior. These substances can interfere with the purgative effects of Kambo and the overall experience.
Rest and Relaxation:
Ensure you get adequate sleep and engage in light physical activity. Resting helps your body to be in the best condition to handle the intense physical reactions Kambo can induce.
Mental and Emotional Preparation
Set Clear Intentions:
Reflect on what you hope to achieve with Kambo. This could be physical healing, emotional release, or spiritual insight. Clear intentions help in guiding your experience and focusing your energy.
Mindfulness Practices:
Engage in meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These practices help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and enhance your ability to stay present and grounded during the ceremony.
Write down your thoughts, feelings, and goals for the Kambo work. This can help you process your emotions and set a clear direction for your journey.
Visualize a positive outcome from your Kambo session. This mental practice can help in aligning your mind and body with the healing process.
Going Deeper
Emotional Inventory:
Spend time exploring any unresolved emotions or traumas that might surface. Being aware of these can help you navigate the emotional purging that Kambo often induces. I guide clients to look at their emotional landscapes prior to ceremony… and now see about 75% of clients shedding tears at some point during their sit. - it is a powerful purge and one not often discussed.
Support System:
Having a support system in place can provide emotional safety and comfort. Whether it’s people, lifestyle, or a structure/schedule more in sync with your needs, for example.
Spiritual Connection:
Engage in practices that deepen your connection, such as breathwork, spending time in nature, or reading inspiring books. A strong spiritual foundation can enhance the transformative potential of Kambo.
Proper preparation for Kambo not only enhances the benefits but also ensures a safer and more profound experience. For more detailed guidelines on preparing for Kambo, visit the Preparation Page on Kambo Care or feel free to reach out to us for a private virtual session to get support with your intentions and prep process.