Addressing Dis-ease
Before diving in below, I want to emphasize that my musings are not meant to discourage anyone from seeking a medical diagnosis or testing. Understanding what's happening in your body through conventional healthcare can provide valuable insights. The holistic approach I discuss is intended to complement, not replace, traditional medical care. Please note that the information shared on this website is for entertainment purposes only.
What Does It Really Mean to Have "Dis-ease"?
When you break it down, disease is an imbalance. The body, mind and or Spirit is out of tune in some way. Dis-ease. Out of ease states.
The symptoms that prompt people to seek care are just the surface of a much deeper picture though.
What if, instead of just focusing on the physical, we placed greater focus on what’s happening emotionally and energetically? Our physical experiences are intricately linked to our mental and emotional states and should always be considered. In my work via The Harmony Lab, for over 13 years I have witnessed people heal from dis-ease when they cultivate ways to bring ease back into their lives. Whether through the people they surround themselves with to the choices they make.
Dis-ease as a Messenger
Physical symptoms are often the last step in a multi-layered process.
Before these symptoms emerge, there’s usually:
Emotional turmoil
One must focus on the body, but also ask: What emotions are stuck? What past events are still playing out beneath the surface? What’s the mindset like?
Kambo, a Powerful Ally
Kambo is a powerful tool to bring harmony and ease back to the being. It doesn’t just address physical toxins; through the Frog’s peptoides and intelligence, it has a way of working with the body and biofield to release deep-seated emotions and traumas that may contribute to dis-ease.
During and after Kambo work, people often experience emotional breakthroughs, physical shifts, and a sense of clarity that shows just how interconnected our physical, emotional, and energetic bodies really are. In addition to the traditional purge through Kambo, I’ve witnessed various forms of releasing and calibrating such as projectile tears, deep sighs, laughs, vibrating and more!
The Trauma-Dis-ease Link
Trauma is a key player in the development of dis-ease. Many carry unresolved grief, stress, and pain. Society has been harsh to so many. There is mass injustice. These emotional burdens can manifest as physical symptoms, as the body stores them until they are ready to be processed and released.
Often when trauma and emotional blocks can be addressed, the body is better able to return to a state of balance. The results of Kambo go beyond detox. It offers a way to address the root causes of dis-ease by tapping into the emotional and energetic layers of our being and unwinds some of the trauma in the nervous system. ‘Panema’ possibly?
The Role of the Biofield
The biofield, or the energetic field that surrounds every living thing, plays a critical role in overall well-being. Mainstream medicine tends to overlook this, but it is said by many ancient cultures, that disruptions in our energy field can lead to physical symptoms. When the biofield is cluttered or blocked, it can create an energetic environment that fosters dis-ease.
Kambo detoxifies both the body and the biofield, clearing Panema, the indigenous term for stagnant, negative energy. After a session, many people report shifts in energy levels, a lightness of Spirit, and a deeper spiritual connection. There’s often a sense of feeling elevated yet more grounded, with a stronger connection to oneself and all that is. Kambo serves as a bridge between the physical and energetic bodies, restoring flow and balance. The interconnectedness of Life becomes more apparent.
Person-Centered Holistic Healing
Deep healing can be aided through a holistic perspective — considering the whole person: body, emotions, mind and energetics. Kambo provides a pathway to address all these layers, helping people realign with Life.